Creating 3D Effect Using Extrude in CorelDRAW
You can make objects appear three-dimensional by creating extrusions. You can create extrusions by projecting points from an object and joining them to create an illusion of three dimensions. CorelDRAW also lets you apply a vector extrusion to an object in a group.
After you create an extrusion, you can copy or clone its attributes to a selected object. Cloning and copying transfer the extrusion attributes of an extruded object to another. However, the cloned extrusion settings cannot be edited independently from the master.
You can change an extruded form by rotating it and rounding its corners.CorelDRAW also lets you remove a vector extrusion.
Another way in which you can give an object a three-dimensional appearance is by applying a beveled edge to an extrusion. A bevel creates the illusion that an objects extruded edges are cut on an angle. You can specify the angle and depth values of the bevel to control the effect.
You can create a bevel effect without extruding an object.
Extruded fills
You can apply fills to an entire extrusion or only to the extruded surfaces. You can cover each surface individually with the fill, or you can drape the fill so that it blankets the entire object with no breaks to the pattern or texture.
Left to right: a simple shape, the shape with an extruded fill of solid color, the shape with an extruded gradient fill and a rotation applied.
You can enhance extrusions by applying light sources. You can add up to three light sources to project toward the extruded object with varying intensity. When you no longer need light sources, you can remove them.
Vanishing points
You can create a vector extrusion in which the lines of the extrusion converge at a vanishing point. The vanishing point of a vector extrusion can be copied to another object so that both objects appear to recede toward the same point.
Extrusions with the same vanishing point
You can also give two extrusions different vanishing points.
Extrusions with different vanishing points
To create an extrusion
1.Select an object using the Picktool
2.In the toolbox, click the Extrudetool
3.Choose a preset from the Presets list box on the property bar.
4.Choose an extrusion type from theExtrusion type list box on the property bar.
5.Select an object.
6.Drag the objects selection handles to set the direction and depth of the extrusion.
If you want to reset the extrusion, press Escbefore releasing the mouse button.
To copy or clone an extrusion
1.Select the object you want to extrude.
2.Click Effectsand click one of the following:
- Copy effect > Extrude from
- Clone effect > Extrude from
3.Click an object whose extrusion properties you want to copy.
Tip:You can also use the Attributes eyedropper tool
to copy an extrusion.
To change the form of a vector extrusion
Do the following
Rotate an extrusion
Select an extruded object. Click the Extruderotation button
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Change the direction of an extrusion
Using the Extrude tool
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Change the depth of an extrusion
Using the Extrude tool
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Round the corners of an extruded rectangle or square
In the toolbox, click the Shape tool
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To remove a vector extrusion
1.Select an extruded object.
2.Click Effects> Clear extrusion.
Tip: You can also remove a vector extrusion by clicking theClear extrusion button
on the property bar.
To apply a fill to an extrusion
1.Select an extruded object with the Extrudetool
2.Click the Extrusion color button
on the property bar.
3.Click one of the following buttons:
- Use object fill
applies the objects fill to the extrusion
- Use solid color
applies a solid color to the extrusion
- Use color shading
applies a gradient fill to the extrusion
Tip: You can apply an unbroken pattern or texture fill to an object by enabling the Drape fills check box before you click the Use object fill button.
To apply beveled edges to an extrusion
1.In the toolbox, click the Extrudetool
2.Select an extruded object.
3.Click the Extrusion bevels button
on the property bar.
4.Enable the Use bevel check box.
5.Type a value in the Bevel depth box.
6.Type a value in the Bevel angle box.
You can also set the bevel depth and angle by using the Bevel interactive display box
below the Use bevel check box.
You can show only the bevel and hide the extrusion by enabling the Show bevel onlycheck box.
To add light to an extrusion
1.Select an extruded object.
2.Click the Extrusion lighting button
on the property bar.
3.Click any of the three Lightbuttons
The lights appear as numbered circles in the preview window.
4.Drag the numbered circles in theLight intensity preview window to position the lights.
If you want to create more realistic shading, enable the Use full color range check box.
You can also
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Adjust the intensity of a light source
Select a light in the Light intensity previewwindow, and move the Intensity slider.
Remove a light source
Click an active Light button.
To change the vanishing point of an extrusion
Do the following
Lock a vanishing point
Double-click an extruded object. Choose VP locked to object or VP locked to pagefrom the Vanishing point properties list box on the property bar.
Copy a vanishing point
Double-click an extruded object whose vanishing point you want to change. From the Vanishing point properties list box on the property bar, choose Copy VP from. Select the extruded object that has the vanishing point you want to copy.
Set one vanishing point for two extrusions
Double-click an extruded object. ChooseShared vanishing point from theVanishing point properties list box on the property bar. Select the extruded object that has the vanishing point you want to share.
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