Working with wordpress online has always been a problem for some of us who has lesser data bundle and we will wish we have a platform by wish we can install and work with wodpress offline well it is simple today we will discuss 2 ways of installing wordpress offline
----log on to the wordpress site and download the latest version of wordpress or the version you like
------to work with wordpress offline you will need a server i will suggest you download wamp or xampp
-------- install your server and open a browser type localhost as the address or as this is most time the ip address of an offline server that works on an host machine
-------if you are using wamp click on php my admin and create a new database for your wordpress and grant it all privilege(create a user first)
-------now unzip your wordpress file into a directory in your wamp server (usually at c:/wamp/www)
-------look for the wp-config-sample edit it using a simple text editor or notepad an put your database information in the spaces left for you to and save as wp-config-sample
------open your browser and type localhost you should have wordpress under your subdirectory click on it this then begin the famous five minute installation giving you follow the procedure very well
instead of going through the trouble of creating a local host and a server and creating a database for your wordpress i will suggest you try downloading bitnami wordpress a complete offline wordpress it comes with a server and a database and an automatic installation of your wordpress serving you the time of editing and configuring if you want to use the famous five minute installation .
plss feel free to ask any question we will gladly reply you soon
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